
Castlemore Supports D Day Commemorations in Bucklesham

Castlemore Homes was proud to sponsor Bucklesham village’s memorial beacon for the D Day 80th celebrations in June.

Ruth Johnson, Clerk of Bucklesham Parish Council, said: “Without Castlemore Homes and all your contractors covering all costs in their entirety, allowing the sponsorship of the construction and the installation, we would not have been able to go ahead with the project. As you know our Parish is very small, and we run the Parish Council on a very limited budget.

Any extra projects that come along are impossible to complete without peoplesuch as yourselves offering to fund them. Your generosity is very much appreciated by us all.”

Funds donated by Castlemore will also ensure the village can commemorate the 80th anniversary of VE Day next year and the beacon will be used in the community for many years to come for all significant national event.

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